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The pros and cons of accepting a diagnosis

Writer: Kristin WaldronKristin Waldron

This post might feel controversial, especially for those who have recently received a diagnosis. I know for myself, up until recently, I've been a part of a "chronic illness community" that is nothing but encouraging, supportive, and determined when it comes to taking care of themselves and bettering their health. But then I witnessed others who have lost that hope. I've seen people say that they truly believe that there is no treatment or cure for their disease and that no amount of nutrition, lifestyle change, stress reduction, supplementation, etc could have ANY effect on their well-being. When someone who has the same illness recovers, they say that the recovery had to have been due to chance, spontaneous recovery, or luck, or they go as far as to say that person was faking their illness or misdiagnosed. To me, THAT is a self-limiting belief.

This experience made me question what practitioners meant by the negative side of "identifying with a diagnosis" and addressing self-limiting beliefs. From the way many of them spoke, it felt that they looked down on people who used their diagnosis as a label. To me, I couldn't understand why it would be such a bad thing to identify with your illness. To me, the diagnosis is validating someone's lived experience and gives them more to work with! Why would that be bad?

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Diagnosis

There are advantages to getting diagnosed. It's validating, helps you figure out how to pace yourself, and develop a treatment plan. There are also negative sides. When I got my official diagnosis I became really scared that I may be sick for the rest of my life. And while that MAY be true, it doesn't mean it has to be true, and it doesn't mean it will be awful even if it is true. Diagnoses are validating and give us information to work with. Now, when we have a condition that is currently "incurable," there are typically two ways people go with that: they become determined to find their own cure or they give in to the belief that there is no hope. (I'm sure some people fall somewhere in the middle too). Just because there is no approved cure or treatment doesn't always mean that it doesn't exist. And just because someone else recovered from a treatment and you got worse from that same treatment doesn't mean it doesn't work. It just means it didn't work for YOU. This is where self-limiting beliefs come in. If you truly believe there is no cure unless someone who you deem credentialed enough tells you there is a cure, to the point where you disbelieve others who have recovered, you are following a self-limiting belief.

Hope and Healing

My way of thinking is this: maybe there is no cure- that's a possibility. But what if I live like there is at least hope? I'm not saying I have to gaslight myself into being cured (because that definitely doesn't work). But what if I/you just choose to have hope? Especially in a case where I'm dealing with a disease that affects every system of my body, it just MAKES SENSE to address it holistically. And I may not be cured- but I'm recovering. And I don't think I'm too far gone. Does this resonate with anyone?

As I've worked on my health and worked on my acceptance of ME/CFS, I've battled with what the words "heal and recover" even mean. I've battled and gotten angry with wellness coaches who claim they have the "one thing" that cures chronic illness. But sometimes I later reflect and realize they did not claim at all – they were telling their own story and what worked for them. I've gotten mad that people blame self-limiting beliefs on those who are chronically ill – until I saw those who have such narrow minds and refuse to believe anyone can get better. This just reminds me that there is always nuance in these situations. Just because someone is ill doesn't mean they are still sick because of a self-limiting belief. But I do think SOME people are stuck in those mindsets. In no way am I applying this to every single person I've encountered with a health condition.

Holistic Healing for Chronic Illness

It doesn't matter to me what someone's credentials are if they get better. Especially in the case where a condition doesn't have an approved cure, people are going to figure out what works for them and they are more than welcome to share their story...but one thing I'm certain of – if I have a chronic complex neuro-immuno-metabolic disease that affects every part of my body – which I do, then it is downright makes perfect sense to address it holistically. I will absolutely continue to change my diet, sleep routine, my exercise routine, my mindset, nervous system work, etc. Because if every system in my body is affected, it makes sense to address every system! And this is what I do as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner®.

Finding Your Path to Healing

My promise to you is that I will never claim that one thing is the cure. Because that would be lying to you. You can't just take one magic pill or make one magic lifestyle change. For the people who are so angry that there is "no treatment" and "no cure," I hope you can see the value in making consistent small changes. And I hope you find more joy in life, even when it feels impossible to feel anything but pain. Sometimes it takes a long time, and I don't think you are too far gone. We can't be crying and begging for treatment and then simultaneously get mad at the people who find a holistic treatment that works for them. Nothing is ever a one-size-fits-all approach – not in holistic medicine, herbal medicine, functional medicine, conventional medicine, or any other type of medicine.

Moving Forward with Hope

The truth is, a diagnosis can be a turning point. It can empower you to take charge of your health and create a life you love, even with a chronic illness. There is always hope, and there are always ways to feel better. If you're struggling, reach out to a supportive community or healthcare professional who can guide you on your journey.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to accept a diagnosis is a personal one. Regardless of your choice, remember that a diagnosis doesn't have to define you. Functional Flow Wellness is here to empower you on your health journey. We offer personalized guidance, explore root causes, and work with you to create a holistic plan that addresses your unique needs.

Ready to take control of your health? Schedule a free consultation today and explore how we can help you navigate your health and unlock your full potential for well-being!



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